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Year 3 Model Text Resource Pack 14: ‘Come to Darlington Academy’ (Persuasive; English, writing for a purpose)

image of Year 3 Model Text Resource Pack 14: ‘Come to Darlington Academy’ (Persuasive; English, writing for a purpose)
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Real Writing Year 3 - Unit 14
Model text: Come to Darlington Academy, by Ross Montgomery
Curriculum links: English (writing for a real purpose)

Unit overview
This writing unit for Year 3 is built around an original model text by Ross Montgomery; a persuasive leaflet encouraging prospective parents to send their child to Darlington Academy. The example text is available as a PDF in three versions (plain, illustrated and annotated); annotated and non-annotated PowerPoint presentations are also included.

In this 2-week unit, pupils will read a persuasive report stating a variety of reasons why parents should enrol their child in the prestigious school. They will continue to develop their vocabulary by investigating synonyms and will rehearse their sentences orally, developing their use of more formal vocabulary before writing. The unit will culminate in pupils writing their own persuasive text promoting their own school to prospective parents. This unit develops pupils understanding of writing for a range of different purposes.

Key curriculum skills
Two fully-resourced lessons are included for the following LKS2 English objectives, which can form part of the unit or be taught discretely:

1. Vocabulary - To build a rich vocabulary: synonyms
Pupils will: identify synonyms that are less formal; rewrite a letter using more formal vocabulary using their knowledge of synonyms

2. Grammar - To compose and rehearse sentences orally
Pupils will: rehearse sentences describing their school; improve and rehearse given sentences so that they are more persuasive

Revisited skills

  • Correct use of past and present tense
  • Use of adjectives to create noun phrases
  • Commas in a list

Additional year 3 curriculum teaching points

  • Organising paragraphs around a theme
  • Using headings
  • Using fronted adverbials

Year 3 words: featured vocabulary
Spelling words: certain, complete, consider, decide, learn, library
Tier 2 words: achieved, acres, awarded, designer, engaging, sumptuous
Tier 3 words: enrol, prestigious

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