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Dictionary Skills: Year 3 Vocabulary Worksheets 2

image of Dictionary Skills: Year 3 Vocabulary Worksheets 2
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Learning how to use a dictionary to look up the spelling and meaning of words is an important skill to aid spelling and vocabulary when writing.

This year 3 dictionary skills pack (2 of 3) will support pupils to develop the skills needed to use a dictionary successfully.

Activities included:
(The first three activities do not require a dictionary)
Completing the alphabet by filling in missing letters
Rewriting words in alphabetical order
Choosing the correct definition for words

(The final activities require pupils to have access to dictionaries)
Checking the spelling of given words using a dictionary
Finding the definitions of words given

National Curriculum Programme of Study links
Pupil should be taught to use the first two or three letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary

  • Worksheet
  • Answer sheet
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