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Home Learning Project Pack: The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party (Year 1 and Year 2)

image of Home Learning Project Pack: The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party (Year 1 and Year 2)
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This home learning pack is designed for children to complete, with some adult support where possible, over a week. It contains fun, engaging opportunities to develop and practise reading and writing skills, be creative and learn about healthy eating as part of a homeschool curriculum. All the activities can be completed within a child’s home environment, and are based around the topic of ‘The Mad Hatter’s Tea-Party’ (text provided).

  • Notes & guidance
  • Tea-party reading sheet with questions
  • Tea-party answer sheet
  • Twinkle twinkle reading sheet with questions
  • Twinkle twinkle answer sheet
  • The name game worksheet
  • Character cards
  • Create your own character sheet
  • Healthy eating plate activity
  • Snack journal
  • Snack shop cards
  • themed writing sheets
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