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KS1 Non-fiction Reading Comprehension Question Cards

image of KS1 Non-fiction Reading Comprehension Question Cards
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In Year 1 and Year 2, pupils develop their skills to read texts. Are they developing their comprehension skills alongside this?

These comprehension cards give example questions to develop a range of comprehension skills when reading non-fiction texts including:

  • understanding vocabulary
  • retrieving information
  • making inferences based on what is said and done
  • understanding how non-fiction texts are structured
  • encouraging positive discussions about books that they have read

How to use these non-fiction comprehension cards

The question cards can be used in one to one reading sessions, group guided or whole class reading sessions.
Parents could also use these at home when reading with their child, helping them to understand the types of questions they could ask to develop their child’s comprehension skills as part of a reading home learning pack.

This resource pack includes

  • 5 vocabulary question cards
  • 8 retrieval question cards
  • 4 inference question cards
  • 6 structure question cards
  • 7 discussing books question cards

National Curriculum English programme of study links

Pupils will be introduced to non-fiction books that are structured in different ways
Pupils will understand both the books they can already read accurately and those that they listen to by:

  • checking that the text makes sense to them…
  • discussing the significance of the title and events
  • answering and asking questions
  • making inferences based on what is said and done

Pupils will participate in discussions about books that are read to them and that they can read independently for themselves…

  • 5 vocabulary question cards
  • 8 retrieval question cards
  • 4 inference question cards
  • 6 structure question cards
  • 7 discussing books question cards
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