Most people would recognise that it is better to be a more healthy weight. However, should the Government really be getting involved? What happened to just accepting people for who they are rather than what they look like? Or is this action long overdue?
This resource pack includes a story from The Week Junior newspaper about the Government’s plans to tackle obesity and a sheet of activities based on the article, encouraging children to think, talk and write about what matters to them.
This PDF resource includes this article, as well as accompanying activity ideas:
- Most people would recognise that it is better to be a more healthy weight. However, should the Government really be getting involved? What business of theirs is it what size and shape we are? What happened to just accepting people for who they are rather than what they look like? Or is this action long overdue? For too long we have let food companies tempt us with tasty treats that they know are bad for us. Anyway, if we are all to benefit from the National Health Service, shouldn’t we all be doing our bit to save it for people who fall ill through no fault of their own? What do you think?
- Food companies use clever advertising slogans to make you want to buy their products. Fight back by writing a few slogans of your own, either turning well-known slogans into more accurate versions (I’m stuffin’ it) or just making up your own (Cola – would you put 9 spoons of sugar in your tea?)
- What is your favourite exercise activity? Write a set of instructions to help people who might not know how to do it take part. As well as using imperative verbs and a carefully sequenced set of numbered instructions, try to make it sound fun and easy to do
- How much do you eat in a day? Pick a day which you think would be fairly standard (so not your birthday when you might reasonably be allowed treats) and take notes of every single thing you eat and drink and when. Make sure you are as honest as possible and indicate the amounts, without feeling the need to measure everything precisely. When you have finished, say whether you think you eat healthily or whether there are ways in which you could improve
Find the entire series of Topical Tuesday resources to download here.
What is The Week Junior?
The Week Junior magazine looks at current affairs and helps children make sense of the world, provides context and clarity to complex issues, improves general knowledge and encourages discussion and debate.
To find out more about The Week Junior and to download its free resources, please go to