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Topical Tuesdays: Reviving the Dodo - Key Stage 2 News Story and Reading and Writing Activity Sheet from The Week Junior

image of Topical Tuesdays: Reviving the Dodo - Key Stage 2 News Story and Reading and Writing Activity Sheet from The Week Junior
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Scientists working for a company called Colossal Biosciences in the US are hoping to bring the dodo back from the dead. This resources pack includes an article from The Week Junior magazine, along with a sheet of activities designed to get children thinking, talking and writing about what the story means to them.


It is truly remarkable to have developed science so far that we can even consider recreating a dodo. Don’t you think it would be wonderful to finish the process and actually make it happen? Wouldn’t it be great to overturn some of the damage we have done to this planet over the centuries? Aren’t you curious to see how dodos might have looked, moved and behaved in real life? Or should we focus our efforts on protecting what we still have? Is it wrong to recreate life just to satisfy our own curiosity? Isn’t it better to learn from our mistakes rather than partially undo them when the world has moved on? What do you think?

Writing skills

Is there anyone from history you would like to bring back to life if you could? Choose a famous person from the past and write a one-sided argument explaining why you think they should return. Use persuasive language to state your case as powerfully as you can.


Look at the colour illustration of two dodos to the right of the article. What do you think they are doing? What might they be saying to each other? Have they encountered humans yet and, if so, what do they think of them? Write an imaginary conversation between them. Make it as tragic or humorous as you like but remember to use accurate speech punctuation.


Research critically endangered animals. List five of the species that are at greatest risk of becoming extinct and, for each one, outline where they live and what is threatening their continued existence.

Find the entire series of Topical Tuesday resources to download in our Topical Tuesdays collection.

What is The Week Junior?

The Week Junior magazine looks at current affairs and helps children make sense of the world, provides context and clarity to complex issues, improves general knowledge and encourages discussion and debate.

To find out more about The Week Junior and to download its free resources, please go to The Week Junior website

  • News story
  • Activities sheet
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