A flying car has turned science-fiction into reality after successfully completing a test flight between two airports in Slovakia. This resources pack includes an article from The Week Junior magazine, along with a sheet of activities designed to get children thinking, talking and writing about what the story means to them.
This flying car looks such fun! Yes, we should recognise the inventor’s skill and imagination - but shouldn’t we channel it into more useful areas, such as medicine? Or would that just stifle invention? What do you think?
Writing challenges:
Write a poem using the same rhyming and rhythmic structure as The Owl and the Pussycat but, instead of a pea-green boat, they set off in a flying car
Write a proposal for an invention of your own that combines two things we already have, such as a car and a plane.
Research and write a short report on parachutes. Organise your ideas into sections under subheadings such as History, How they work, Where they are used, and so on..
Find the entire series of Topical Tuesday resources to download here.
What is The Week Junior?
The Week Junior magazine looks at current affairs and helps children make sense of the world, provides context and clarity to complex issues, improves general knowledge and encourages discussion and debate.
To find out more about The Week Junior and to download its free resources, please go to schools.theweekjunior.co.uk