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Resource Collection Grammar Games
This grammar Bingo game is a fun way to support pupils in Y1 to understand and revisit the concept of singular and plural nouns. Pupils will identify singular items or plurals.
The game can be played as a class or in small groups and is perfect for adult led interventions to revisit key knowledge and skills.
This resource pack includes:
What is a plural?
Plurals, or the plural form (as opposed to the singular form) are words that denote when there is more than one of something. This is most commonly done by adding the suffix ‘-s’ or ‘-es’ to a word.
However, there are examples of irregular plurals (sheep, child/children).
Pupils should be taught to add prefixes and suffixes, using the spelling rule for adding ‘-s’ or ‘-es’ as the plural marker for nouns and the third person singular marker for verbs.
This resource is part of the Grammar Games collection. View more from this collection
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