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Resource Collection Classroom Display
In KS2, pupils are taught a variety of ways to organise and present their writing for different purposes and audiences. This display pack includes organisational and presentational devices taught in KS2, displayed on posters with examples of how each one can be used and a challenge activity. It could be used to revisit layout devices previously taught to remind pupils of the different techniques they could use to organise and present their writing effectively for their reader.
The posters could be used as part of a working wall, encouraging pupils to answer the challenge questions and add examples of layout devices they have seen in books that they are reading or have used in their own writing.
A range of layout devices is used, particularly in non-fiction texts, to help present information clearly to the reader and structure the text. More complicated information can be presented as a diagram or table and bullet points, subheadings or underlining can be used to guide the reader to important information.
Year 3/4 writing – composition
This resource is part of the Classroom Display collection. View more from this collection
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