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KS2 Composition: Spelling Rules and Vocabulary Bookmarks

image of KS2 Composition: Spelling Rules and Vocabulary Bookmarks
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Would your pupils benefit from prompts to remind them of key spelling rules and vocabulary when writing?

These bookmarks could be just the thing to support independent proofreading and editing in your classroom.

This set of six attractive bookmarks can be used in pupils’ books to remind them of key spelling rules or to help widen their vocabulary choices. The bookmarks could be placed in writing books as a prompt when pupils are writing independently. Perfect for target setting, different bookmarks could be allocated to different pupils according to their needs.

Bookmarks in this set cover the following:

  • Words instead of said
  • Apostrophes for contracted words
  • Spelling rules when adding -ed and -ing
  • Alternative spellings for vowel digraph /ai/
  • Year 3/4 statutory spelling words
  • Year 5/6 statutory spelling words

National Curriculum English programme of study links:

Year 3/4 Composition
To evaluate and edit by assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements
To proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors

Year 5/6 Composition
To evaluate and edit by proposing changes to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning.
To proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors

  • 'Words instead of said' - bookmark
  • 'Apostrophes for contracted words' - bookmark
  • 'Spelling rules when adding -ed and -ing' - bookmark
  • 'Alternative spellings for vowel digraph /ai/' - bookmark
  • 'Year 3/4 statutory spelling words' - bookmark
  • 'Year 5/6 statutory spelling words' - bookmark
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