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KS2 Similes Poem – Father’s Day SPaG Worksheet Activity Pack

image of KS2 Similes Poem – Father’s Day SPaG Worksheet Activity Pack
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This creative writing Father’s Day activity will give pupils the opportunity to write a poem about their dad (or another significant male in their life) using similes, with a model text if required.

They will discuss why their father is special, covering aspects of PSHE, gathering ideas as a class. They will also understand what a simile is, use similes in their own writing and know that caring relationships are important in families.

This primary resource pack includes:

  • PowerPoint
    With explanations, examples and activities to introduce this topic to your class
  • Father’s day writing sheets
    Lined and unlined versions are included
  • Teacher’s notes

What is a simile?

A simile is a figure of speech used to compare one thing to another.

Simile examples

  • Sharp as a tack
  • As brave as lion
  • They go together like chalk and cheese
  • It’s like watching paint dry
  • He was as big as a house

National Curriculum English programme of study links


  • to discuss how authors use language, including figurative language (investigating and using similes)


  • to know that stable, caring relationships are at the heart of happy families

  • Teacher notes
  • PowerPoint lesson
  • Themed writing paper (blank)
  • Themed writing paper (lined)
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