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KS2 Writing Templates - explanation texts

image of KS2 Writing Templates - explanation texts
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Develop understanding of how explanation texts are structured through the resources provided, which can be used instantly by pupils in Key Stage 2. These resources can be used to support teaching and learning during an English unit focusing on explanatory writing, where pupils can learn the features needed for this text type helping them to identify the features in model texts that are explored.

The explanation posters can be used to teach how these text types are structured and the grammar, vocabulary and punctuation typically used in this text type.

A planning sheet is also included to support pupils when noting and organising their ideas before writing.

What is included in this discursive writing resource?

  • Explanation poster LKS2
  • Explanation poster UKS2
  • Explanation planning sheets x 4
  • Teacher notes with guidance on how the resource could be used

What is an explanation text?

An explanation text explains how or why, and includes information about causes, motives or reasons. The writing should not only include a description of what happened but explain how or why. They are used to explain the processes involved in natural or social phenomenon or to explain why something is the way that it is.

Examples of explanation texts include explanations of processes in science, explaining how something works (such as an invention), explaining phenomena such as volcanic eruptions or the water cycle, or question and answer style articles.

National Curriculum English Programme of Study

Writing - composition
Year 3 /4

Pupils should be taught to plan their writing by:

  • discussing and recording ideas

Year 5 /6

Pupils should be taught to plan their writing by:

  • noting and developing initial ideas, drawing on reading and research where necessary

  • Explanation poster LKS2
  • Explanation poster UKS2
  • Explanation planning sheets x 4
  • Teacher notes
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