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Role on the Wall – Worksheet and Teaching Notes for KS1/2

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Develop understanding of characters using this Role on the Wall worksheet template. Pupils can record information about characters in texts or novels that you are currently reading in groups or as a class.

They will write down what they know about the character from what they have read and information that they have inferred. They’ll think about the character’s actions and emotions and how to link them.

What is Role on the Wall?

Role on the Wall is a strategy you can use in drama lessons to explore details about a character or person. You can also use it to explore characters when reading. It’s one of the many strategies we use in Real Comprehension – a whole school resource to develop reading skills and promote reading for pleasure.

How to use the resource

Choose a character. This could be from a book that you are currently reading, a film or a playscript that you are currently exploring.

Record the character’s name on the worksheet. On the inside of the template, record information about the character that you can retrieve from the text (or film).

On the outside of the template, record information that you have inferred about the character from things that you have read or seen. This could include information about their emotions following actions that have taken place.

You can record a number of different things about characters using the worksheet. Other suggestions include:

  • physical appearance and characteristics (what they are like as a person)
  • actions and emotions
  • other characters and their relationship to them
  • answers to a specific question about an event

What’s included in this resource pack?

  • A simple outline of a person with both male and female forms included
  • Teacher notes giving guidance on how the resource can be used

Find out more about using drama to teach narrative.

  • Teaching notes
  • Role on the wall worksheet x 2
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