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St George’s Day Resource Pack - KS1 comprehension text, PPT and worksheets

image of St George’s Day Resource Pack - KS1 comprehension text, PPT and worksheets
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St George’s Day is usually celebrated on April 23rd - but do your pupils know who this patron saint of England is?

The simple PowerPoint can be used to teach pupils in year 1 and year 2 about St George. Pupils can answer simple questions, displayed on the PowerPoint, to check their understanding of what has been read.

This could be used as a whole class reading activity using the PowerPoint. Alternatively, more fluent readers could use the PDF version of the text and comprehension independently or in groups during guided reading sessions.

This resource pack includes:

  • St George’s Day text and comprehension - PowerPoint
  • St George’s Day text and comprehension – PDF version

National Curriculum programme of study links
Year 1 – Pupils should be taught to develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond which they can read independently.
Year 2 – Pupils should be taught to understand both the books that they can already read accurately and fluently and those that they listen to by answering and asking questions.

  • St George's Day text and comprehension - PowerPoint
  • St George's Day text and comprehension – PDF version
  • Answer sheet
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