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Year 2 Grammar Slam - Set D: Daily Grammar Revision and Practice Activities

image of Year 2 Grammar Slam - Set D: Daily Grammar Revision and Practice Activities
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Do your pupils need to revisit grammar skills regularly?

This year 2 Grammar Slam resource (Set D) will give pupils the opportunity to revisit key word, sentence, text and punctuation skills from Appendix 2 of the English national curriculum. An opportunity to apply the skills in this Grammar Slam is included in the application task ‘The Jolly Giant!’.

Presented as a PowerPoint, the activities can be displayed for the whole class to complete or discuss.

Content covered from English Appendix 2 in this resource:

Word: To form nouns using the suffix -ful
Sentence 1: to use adjectives to create expanded noun phrases
Sentence 2: to write exclamations
Punctuation: to use apostrophes to show possession
Terminology used from year 2: noun, noun phrase, tense, apostrophe, exclamation
Terminology used from previous years: sentence, exclamation mark

How could you use Grammar Slam?

Perfect for starters to English lessons to teach or revisit skills previously taught or display on the board at the beginning of the day during registration, or at any point where there is 5 minutes to fill, to make productive use of learning time.

This could also be used by pupils in higher year groups to revise key terminology and skills taught in previous years.

National Curriculum program of study links for English:

Pupils should be taught to add suffixes to spell longer words, including ... -ful ...
Pupils should be taught to develop their understanding of the concepts set out in appendix 2 by: learning how to use both familiar and new punctuation correctly - apostrophes for the possessive (singular)
Pupils should learn how to use:
- expanded noun phrases to describe and specify
- sentences with different forms (exclamations)
- the grammar for year 2 in English appendix 2
Pupils should be taught to use and understand the grammatical terminology in appendix 2 in discussing their writing

  • PowerPoint
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