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Resource Collection SPaG Gym
Practise and revise using bullet points with this bright, appealing PDF grammar worksheet. Activities include SATs-style questions and opportunities for creative writing responses, with eye-catching images as prompts. This primary resource is divided into five sections: Understand Circle the bullet points and rewrite given information using bullet points. Challenge Write a short paragraph about a school trip that includes a list of equipment punctuated with bullet points. Test Identify where bullet points might be used and ad the missing punctuation mark that introduces the bullet points. Explain Explain why bullet points might be used to present information. Apply Create a leaflet about a funfair coming to your town. Include a list of attractions, using bullet points. What are bullet points? Bullet points are used to list important information within a text so that key facts can easily be identified National Curriculum English programme of study links Pupils should be taught to punctuating bullet points consistently
This resource is part of the SPaG Gym collection. View more from this collection
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