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Year 6 How to Use an Ellipsis SPaG Worksheets

image of Year 6 How to Use an Ellipsis SPaG Worksheets
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These bright, appealing grammar worksheets are a great help for practising and revising the use of ellipses in Y6. There are three worksheets in total, covering the following five sections – ‘understand’, ‘challenge’, ‘test’, ‘explain’ and ‘apply’.

  • Understand
    Students read a selection of sentences and indicate the purpose for which an ellipsis is being used.
  • Challenge

    Students write sentences in which ellipses are used to generate tension and uncertainty, in response to two image prompts.

  • Test

    Students distinguish between sentences that use ellipses correctly and incorrectly.

  • Explain

    ‘Using your own words, explain the different ways in which ellipses can be used. Give examples.’

  • Apply

    Students are tasked with composing a short, tense passage of writing in which two ellipses are used for different purposes.

What is an ellipsis?

An ellipsis is a punctuation mark (’...’) that has four main uses:

  • To create tension by adding a pause before the end of a sentence.
  • To indicate that a sentence or thought is trailing off.
  • To show that a character is uncertain or is hesitant in their speech.
  • To indicate that words are missing from a sentence.

Ellipsis examples

  • ’...and that was when the monster appeared.’
  • ‘Where was I? I’m not sure I can remember…’
  • ‘Perhaps ... but then again ... maybe not…’
  • The mayor said: “People should definitely visit our town ... there are plenty of fun things to do.”

National Curriculum English programme of study links

[Year 6 detail of content to be introduced (statutory requirement)] Linking ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices: repetition of a word or phrase, grammatical connections [for example, the use of adverbials such as ‘On the other hand’, ‘In contrast’, or ‘As a consequence’], and ellipsis

  • Worksheets featuring five sections: understand challenge test explain and apply. Activities include SATs style questions and opportunities for creative writing responses with eye-catching images as prompts
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