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Past Perfect Tense KS2 – Year 5 SPaG Worksheets

image of Past Perfect Tense KS2 – Year 5 SPaG Worksheets
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This bright, appealing past perfect tense KS2 grammar worksheet is an excellent way to practise and revise this topic in Y5.

Activities include SATs-style questions and opportunities for creative writing responses, with eye-catching images as prompts.

This primary resource is divided into five sections:

  • Understand
    Underline the words in the sentences that show the sentences are in the past perfect tense and rewrite given sentences in the past perfect tense
  • Challenge
    Write three sentences about the image using the past perfect tense
  • Test
    Tick the sentences written in the past perfect tense and change the verbs underlined so that they are in the past perfect tens
  • Explain
    Write when the past perfect tense should be used using examples to help explain
  • Apply
    Write about an adventure the characters shown go on using the past perfect tense to link events.

What is the past perfect tense?

The past perfect tense is used to establish time relations in a text. The past perfect tense can be used to show that something happened before something else in the past or for when something started happening in the past and continued to happen until a later time.

Past perfect tense KS2 examples

  • He had played tennis.
  • Sasha had written a story.
  • They had lived in France.
  • Mum had hurried so she was not late for parents’ evening.
  • Despite not practising his spellings, Tom had achieved a high mark in the test.
  • As soon as they had left, the parcel arrived.
  • Sasha had thought she would be invited to the party.
  • The puppy had played with the ball.
  • Year 5 had visited the museum.

National Curriculum English programme of study links

  • Pupils should be taught to use the perfect form of verbs to mark relationships in time and cause.

  • Worksheets
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