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International Women’s Day - Whole-school Assembly Slides and Script - Women in Art and Architecture

image of International Women’s Day - Whole-school Assembly Slides and Script - Women in Art and Architecture
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Celebrate the achievements of a variety of inspirational women on International Women’s Day on 8th March or during Women's History Month in March.

This resource pack focuses on women’s achievements in art and design. Women have contributed hugely to the art world throughout history, designing icons for IT companies, amazing architecture and forward thinking fashion, and inspiring others with their paintings and other work. With this assembly script, supported by PPT slides, you can teach pupils about significant artists and designers.

This assembly introduces pupils to five inspiring women, which will encourage pupils to find out more about their art and/or create their own masterpieces based on their work.

This whole-school assembly resource pack includes

  • Assembly PPT slides
  • Teacher notes and script

National Curriculum English programme of study links:



  • Pupils should be taught about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.


  • Pupils should be taught about a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 (women’s achievements in art and design).

  • Teacher notes and assembly script
  • Assembly PPT
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