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Story Starters Writing Posters - KS2 Classroom Displays Pack

image of Story Starters Writing Posters - KS2 Classroom Displays Pack
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This classroom display pack contains seven interactive posters illustrating different ways in which a writer can begin a story in an engaging way.

Each poster uses an arresting image and these are accompanied by model opening sentences. Children can use these sentences as inspiration for their own writing.

Blank word balloon templates enable you to use the children’s own ideas for display – pupils can find great opening sentences in books they have read and add these to the posters in the balloons provided to create a working wall. Pupil worksheets are also included, which can be completed independently.

How to start a story

Each poster covers the following means of opening sentences:

  • Questions
  • Action
  • Dialogue
  • Background information
  • Introducing a character
  • Mysterious statement
  • Describing the setting

What is included in this story starters classroom display pack?

  • 7 A4 story starters posters with example sentences
  • 7 A4 blank posters for pupils to add their own examples on your English working wall
  • PDF assets for pupils to use as part of a working wall to add to the blank posters
  • Giant versions of the A4 blank posters to create a larger classroom display
  • Pupil worksheets
  • Teacher notes

Visit our Classroom Display Collection for more inspiring resources to support teaching and learning in your classroom.

National Curriculum English programme of study links

Years 3 / 4 Writing - composition

Pupils should be taught to :

  • evaluate and edit by assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements

Years 5 / 6 Writing - composition

Pupils should be taught to :

  • draft and write by selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning
  • evaluate and edit by assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing

  • teacher notes
  • completed posters
  • blank posters
  • create your own poster' asset
  • giant posters
  • pupil worksheets

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