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Model Newspaper – Year 5/6 Writing Planners and Model Texts

image of Model Newspaper – Year 5/6 Writing Planners and Model Texts
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Teach children how to write effective and engaging newspaper articles with this KS2 creative writing model newspaper resource pack.

The resources are based on two model newspaper texts, showing WAGOLL (what a good one looks like). We've included a planning sheet to support pupils to plan and write their own story.

Model newspaper UKS2 pack

This download contains:

  • Newspaper articles writing mat
    These sheets contain a list of newspaper article success criteria as well as useful phrases, vocabulary and newspaper idioms.
  • Newspaper articles writing plan
    This sheet allows children to plan out their own newspaper article.
  • Model newspaper texts
    We've included three examples of model newspaper articles. Children can read and annotate these. On each page we've also included a list of features to look for in the text.
  • Newspaper article notes
    This sheet contains bullet pointed notes and a selection of formal and informal quotes. Children can use these to create their own newspaper reports.

Features of a newspaper text

  • Headline
  • Byline
  • Hook paragraph – this should answer the 5 ‘w’ questions: what? who? where? when? and why?
  • Past tense
  • Logical steps – recount events in a logical order
  • Connectives to link paragraphs
  • Quotes – from those involved in the story or people reacting to it. Try and include both formal and informal quotes
  • Passive voice – these make writing appear more formal which important for a newspaper article
  • Captioned photographs or diagrams

  • sheets to help pupils plan against success criteria
  • lists of useful phrases vocabulary and idioms
  • three detailed model texts with key features listed
  • bullet-pointed notes plus quotes to help children create their own newspaper article
  • writing planner

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