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Resource Collection WAGOLL: text types writing packs
This pack contains a number of resources to support pupils when using metaphors to describe to create imagery in poetry. Two model poems containing metaphors are included to teach this figurative language technique, showing ‘WAGOLL’ (what a good one looks like). There is also an opportunity to revisit prepositions when reading and writing poetry.
The poems could be used as part of a series of English lessons. the pupils final writing task, to write their own poem containing metaphors, could be linked to the theme of the model poems or linked to your current topic or pupils’ interests.
A metaphor is a figure of speech where you say one thing (figuratively) is another thing. It is one of a range of poetic techniques with which children should be famliar by the end of KS2.
Year 3 / 4 Composition Pupils should be taught to: - plan their writing by discussing and recording ideas - draft and write by composing and rehearsing sentences orally ...
Year 5/6 Composition Pupils should be taught to: - plan their writing by noting and developing initial ideas ... - evaluate and edit by assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing
This resource is part of the WAGOLL: text types writing packs collection. View more from this collection
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