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KS2 Suffixes Worksheet – Words Ending in ‘-ant’, ‘-ance’, ‘-ancy’, ‘-ent’, ‘-ence’ and ‘-ency’

image of KS2 Suffixes Worksheet – Words Ending in ‘-ant’, ‘-ance’, ‘-ancy’, ‘-ent’, ‘-ence’ and ‘-ency’
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This 3-page worksheet for children in years 5 and 6 is an excellent way of revising and practising words ending in ’-ant’, ‘-ance’, ‘-ancy’, ‘-ent’, ‘-ence’ and ‘-ency’. Students can be set the following five activities as part of a classroom lesson, for assessment purposes or as a homework task:

  • Circle the misspelt words in six word pairs, then add a add a -ant, -ance, -ancy, -ent, -ence or -ency suffix to six word starts
  • Change the underlined words in four sentences into a words ending in -ant, -ance, -ancy, -ent, -ence or -ency
  • Starting with a pair of image prompts, each with an accompanying word, add a suffix to both words and use the amended words in a sentence about each picture
  • Add two different suffixes to four partial words and proceed write a sentence for each one
  • Write a short passage in response to an image prompt that includes as many words ending with -ant, -ance, -ancy, -ent, -ence, -ency as possible from a pre-chosen list of five (or indeed any others)

National Curriculum English programme of study links

  • Use ‘-ant’ and ‘-ance / -ancy’ if there is a related word with a /æ/ or /eɪ/ sound in the right position; ‘-ation’ endings are often a clue.
  • Use ‘-ent’ and ‘-ence / -ency’ after soft c (/s/ sound), soft g (/dʒ/ sound) and qu, or if there is a related word with a clear /ɛ/ sound in the right position

  • worksheets
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