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Resource Collection Grammar Games
Use Plazoom’s Sentence Builder Game to develop Year 3 and Year 4 pupils’ understanding of the use of speech marks when writing direct speech. They will do this by learning how to write direct speech using inverted commas and other speech punctuation, varying the position of the reporting clause. Pupils will use the direct speech and reporting clause cards to create sentences, rehearsing them orally before writing. The grammar game will also give pupils the opportunity to use and understand grammar terminology in English appendix 2 when discussing their sentences.
This sentence game for KS2 can be played as a whole class as a fun English lesson starter activity or as the main focus of the lesson. It could also be used as a writing intervention in KS2 for pupils who may need support to use direct speech in KS2.
Direct speech is when the exact words that someone says are written.
Inverted commas, or speech marks, are used when writing direct speech. The inverted commas go around what is said within a sentence. Other speech punctuation is also needed. Punctuation is needed at the end of the direct speech before the inverted comma, and a comma is used after the reporting clause if this comes before the direct speech.
The reporting clause is the short clause that can come before or after the direct speech that states who was talking. It can also show how the speech was said.
This resource is part of the Grammar Games collection. View more from this collection
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