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Year 5 Model Text Resource Pack 24: ‘The Life Cycle of a Frog’ (Explanation Text; Science - life cycles)

image of Year 5 Model Text Resource Pack 24: ‘The Life Cycle of a Frog’ (Explanation Text; Science - life cycles)
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Real Writing
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  • Over 150 high-quality model texts
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Real Writing Year 5 - Unit 24
The Life Cycle of a Frog, by Anita Loughrey
Curriculum links: Science (life cycles)

Writing unit overview

This writing unit for Year 5 is built around an original model text by Anita Loughrey - an explanation text about the life cycle of a frog. The example text is available as a PDF in three versions (plain, illustrated and annotated); annotated and non-annotated PowerPoint presentations are also included.

In this two-week unit, pupils will learn how to structure and write an explanation, using our model text to identify the key features of explanation texts. This formal explanation will inspire pupils to research other animal life cycles and write their own explanations using the writing skills taught throughout this unit

Key curriculum skills

Two fully-resourced lessons are included for the following Year 5 English objectives, which can form part of the unit or be taught discretely:

1. Vocabulary - To use causal conjunctions

Pupils will: revisit conjunctions; understand what is meant by a causal conjunction; identify causal conjunctions; rewrite sentences using causal conjunctions; write an explanation using causal conjunctions.

2. Composition - To use brackets, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis

Pupils will: revisit brackets, commas and dashes; understand that these can be used to separate parenthesis; identify parenthesis and punctuate it appropriately; write a paragraph using correctly punctuated parenthesis.

Additional objectives to teach or revisit

  • using paragraphs to organise ideas
  • using fronted adverbials

Additional year 5 curriculum teaching points

  • to ensure consistent use of tense;
  • to use further organisational and presentational devices;
  • linking ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of time;
  • précising (summarising) texts

Year 5 vocabulary

Tier two words: secrete, absorb, external, emerge
Tier three words: amphibian, lifecycles, ectothermic, vertebrate, hibernate, tympanum, predator, larva, metamorphosis
Year 5/6 statutory spelling words: develop

What is an explanation text?

An explanation text explains how or why processes occur or why something is the way it is. Explanatory texts includes information about causes, motives or reasons rather than simply giving a description of what happens (this would be a report).

Examples of explanation texts include explanations of processes in science, explaining how something works (such as an invention), explaining phenomenon such as volcanic eruptions, or the water cycle or question and answer style articles.

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