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Year 4 Model Text Resource Pack 24: ‘Until we are free again’ (Narrative; History - the Roman Empire)

image of Year 4 Model Text Resource Pack 24: ‘Until we are free again’ (Narrative; History - the Roman Empire)
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Real Writing Year 4 - Unit 24
Model text: Until we are free again, by Margaret Bateson-Hill
Curriculum Links: History - The Roman Empire

Writing unit overview

This writing unit for Year 4 is built around an original model text by Margeret Bateson-Hill; an exciting narrative recounting the epic battle between Boudicca’s Iceni Tribe and the Romans. The example text is available as a PDF in three versions (plain, illustrated and annotated); annotated and non-annotated PowerPoint presentations are also included.

In this two-week unit, pupils will explore how the author has described characters, setting and actions through the use of synonyms and adverbials. In their final writing task, pupils will write their own story about Boudicca’s rebellion against the Romans, changing the viewpoint of the story. This unit could be used as part of a topic on The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.

Key curriculum skills

Two fully-resourced lessons are included for the following LKS2 English objectives, which can form part of the unit or be taught discretely:

1. Vocabulary: To build a varied and rich vocabulary through the use of synonyms

Pupils will: match words that are synonyms; write a description of a Roman battle, using their knowledge of synonyms

2. Grammar: To use adverbials to show time, place and manner, including fronted adverbials

Pupils will: add adverbials to sentences to modify verbs, exploring where they could be positioned within sentences; write a description of Boudicca using adverbials to show time, place and manner

Additional skills to teach or revisit

  • Using a consistent tense
  • Using adverbs

Additional Year 4 curriculum teaching points

  • Modifying nouns to create expanded noun phrases
  • Punctuating direct speech
  • Using pronouns
  • Standard English

Year 4 words: featured vocabulary

Year 3/4 statutory spelling words: answer, caught, continue, disappear, forward, heart, sentence, straight, through, woman
Tier 2 words: abandon, discipline, emerge, expedition, furious, gorge, grimy, harsh, holler, horde, hurtle, infuriate, loyal, menacing, narrow, rabble, ridiculous, scornfully, superior, triumphant, vengeance, vermin, victory
Tier 3 words: army, Boudicca, chariot, comrade, goblet, Iceni, massacre, rebellion, warrior

What is a synonym?

A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase.

Synonym examples

  • Nice and kind
  • Big and large
  • Tiny and minute
  • Quick and fast
  • Smelly and stinky
  • Thrilling and exciting

What is a fronted adverbial?

Adverbials are used like adverbs. They are words or phrases that add more information to a verb, and explain how, when or where something happened.

Fronted adverbials are therefore are adverbials that have been moved to the front of the sentence, before the verb. They describe the rest of the sentence to come.

Fronted adverbial examples

  • Meanwhile, we did some drawing.
  • Somewhere around here, Jamie left her pencil case.
  • Just then, we heard a noise.
  • Somewhat understandably, the teacher was furious.
  • In September, it’ll be my birthday.
  • Occasionally, I like to walk through the forest.

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