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Resource Collection WAGOLL: text types writing packs
Summer is the time for holidays and fun at the beach. Explore how to write a recount to record exciting events that pupils may experience over the summer months, either as part of a school trip or with their family.
A model text is included in the pack, recounting a trip to a seaside pier, showing WAGOLL (what a good one looks like). Pupils can explore how the past tense is used and the rules for adding the suffix -ed to verbs.
The resource pack provides images to inspire writing. These could be used as part of geography in key stage 1, describing the human and physical features of landscapes.
English WRITING - composition Pupils should develop positive attitudes towards and stamina for writing by writing about real events. Pupils should be taught to consider what they are going to write about before beginning by planning or saying out loud what they are going to write about. WRITING - Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation Pupils should be taught to use the present and past tenses correctly and consistently …
This resource is part of the WAGOLL: text types writing packs collection. View more from this collection
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