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Acrostic Poems, The Seasons - KS1 Text Types: Writing Planners and Model Texts

image of Acrostic Poems, The Seasons - KS1 Text Types: Writing Planners and Model Texts
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Poetry gives pupils the opportunity to explore and develop their use of language. Using this resource pack, pupils in KS1 will explore acrostic poems, reading an example about winter showing WAGOLL (what a good one looks like), before writing their own acrostic poem for one of the seasons.

This KS1 resource pack includes:

  • Acrostic poem model text: Winter
    This model text includes an acrostic poem that describes winter, with the word winter spelt out at the beginning of each line.
  • Acrostic poem writing sheet
    This contains success criteria for writing an acrostic poem as well as examples of words ending in the suffix -ing.
  • Seasons images
    A set of images that show each of the seasons to inspire writing.
  • Acrostic poem planning sheet
    This worksheet allows pupils to note ideas about the season that they are writing about.
  • Themed writing paper
    The writing paper can be used for pupils to present their work. Blank pages are included as well as examples with each of the seasons listed for pupils to write on.

What is an acrostic poem?

An acrostic poem is a simple poem where the first letter of each line spells a word and that word is usually the subject of the poem. The letters that spell the word can also be placed at the end or within each line. It does not have to follow any rhyme or rhythmic pattern

National Curriculum English programme of study links:

Year 1
Pupils should develop a pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by listening to and discussing a wide range of poems…
Pupils should be taught to write sentences by saying out loud what they will write about and composing sentences orally before writing.
Pupils should be taught to add prefixes and suffixes: using -ing ... where no change is needed to the root word.

Year 2
Pupils should develop a pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by listening to, discussing and expressing views about a wide range of classic and contemporary poetry…
Pupils should be taught to develop positive attitudes and stamina for writing by writing poetry.
Pupils should learn how to use present and past tenses correctly and consistently including the progressive form

  • Acrostic poem model text: Winter
  • Acrostic poem writing sheet
  • Seasons images
  • Acrostic poem planning sheet
  • Themed writing paper
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